
A patient's ethnicity can be selected in Family File. You can define up to 100,000 ethnicity types. You can also use the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standard to define an ethnicity.

To customize Ethnicity

In the Practice Definitions dialog box, in the Definition Type list, select Ethnicity.

The corresponding definitions appear in the list to the right.

Do any of the following:

If there are fewer than 100,000 definitions, to add a definition, do the following:

Verify that the desired definition does not already exist.

Click Add.

Note: This button is available only if there are not already 100,000 definitions.

The New Ethnicity Category dialog box appears.

To select an ethnicity code and name pair, do the following:

Under CDC Ethnicity Code Set Mapping, click Search.

The Select CDC Ethnicity Concept Name dialog box appears.

To search for an ethnicity by name, begin entering a name in the Find box. As you type, the first matching ethnicity is selected automatically.

In the list, select the correct ethnicity code and name pair.

Click OK.

Note: To remove the selected ethnicity code and name pair, click Clear.

Do one of the following:

With a CDC Ethnicity Code Set Mapping selected, click Use CDC Code Name to insert the standard name for the ethnicity into the Description box. Then, edit the text in the Description box as needed (which can be up to 50 characters in length).

Without a CDC Ethnicity Code Set Mapping selected, enter an ethnicity in the Description box (up to 50 characters in length).

Click OK.

Note: The new definition is added in the first available spot (if there are no gaps in the sequence, it will be the last item) and given an ID.

To edit a definition, do the following:

Select a definition.

Note: Changing the definition for an ethnicity affects all patient records that have that ethnicity attached.

Click Edit.

The Edit Ethnicity Category dialog box appears.

Change any of the following options as needed:

CDC Ethnicity Code Set Mapping - To select an ethnicity code and name pair, do the following:

Click Search.

The Select CDC Ethnicity Concept Name dialog box appears.

To search for an ethnicity by name, begin entering a name in the Find box. As you type, the first matching ethnicity is selected automatically.

In the list, select the correct ethnicity code and name pair.

Click OK.

Note: To remove the selected ethnicity code and name pair, click Clear.

Description - Do one of the following:

With a CDC Ethnicity Code Set Mapping selected, click Use CDC Code Name to insert the standard name for the ethnicity into the Description box. Then, edit the text in the Description box as needed (which can be up to 50 characters in length).

With or without a CDC Ethnicity Code Set Mapping selected, edit the text in the Description box (which can be up to 50 characters in length).

Click OK.

To delete a definition, do the following:

Select a definition.

Note: You cannot delete the definition for an ethnicity that is attached to any patients' records.

Click Delete.

A confirmation message appears.

Click Yes.